
Thursday, August 19, 2004

house arrest among other things.

i, the person who singlehandedly led the facebook crusades ... have decided to stage a mutiny. i hate the facebook. it has turned me into a big bundle of irrational (or, oh god, could they possibly be rational?!?) neuroses. okay, so when am i ever anything but a big bundle of neuroses. good question. but i swear ... this time it's even worse than normal!

so, here's the thing. i told all my friends about facebook. and they all started becoming addicted to it. so far, so good. becoming addicted to it is par for the course. but the problem comes with what happens next. everyone started surfing and meeting really cool people. jill has come out of online seclusion and become an AIM fiend just because of her amazingly cool (and, might i add, HOT?!?!) UChicago friends. and catie keeps babbling on about her kickass facebook friends. if i have to hear about jonas one more time, i might just...turn into the green eyed monster. it's not that i begrude my friends their happiness (really). i just want some of my own!!!

plus, here's where the neuroses come in. there are 600 members (approximately) of my freshman class on the facebook. that's nice. the only issue is, i have looked through all of their profiles, messaged some, a few now frequently IM me too. but - i don't have any cool facebook friends! i don't like any of them! maybe the internet is just a bad forum for meeting people (although considering the huge advent of online dating, is that really a feasible conclusion?). or maybe, i just haven't gotten lucky yet. but the fact that keeps staring me in the face is that i've theoretically been introduced to half of my class. i guess, i'm just hoping that all my friends are in the half of the class that didn't join the facebook. ps: most of the people not on it yet are engineers. and nothing against engineers...but give me a prelaw student anyday. so, bottom line? my new spaz attack these days? that i'll have lots of friends, but none who aren't situational, none who i actually like, and none whose relationship with me transcends the bullshit. sigh. i just want friends i like! thanks for nothing, stupid facebook.

anyways, on other notes -- i've officially manage to finangle my way into a nine o'clock curfew for the rest of the summer. okay, for some of you the rest of the summer is like 3 days away. but for me? it's a freaking month! that's a looong time. i can't even go get kicked out of barnes and nobles @ close, because i would already have been home for two hours!! note to self though: with my parents, honesty is not, not, not the best policy. i tried to talk to them about drinking, partying and birth control issues in regards to college. . . not such a brilliant plan. sometimes, i seriously think my mom believes i dated my boyfriends without ever once kissing them. i love the way other children get grounded for actually doing stuff. but me? i get grounded for being adult, honest and mature about it -- and informing my parents of my decisions. my new strategy is to be like everyone else and just sneak around. buuut, i think i'm allowed to have visitors...so if you want to come visit the prisoner...do!

and finally, on music taste. i was talking to bryan about this the other night, and we decided that music taste, well developed and individualized -- is something that needs to be cultivated. it's an acquisition that requires hard work and time. you have to go looking through stacks of indie cds and listen to crap bands for a long time, before you can find some unknown group that only you've heard of, so that way you can have your own "music taste". so, since i have time on my hands (ps: the movie marathon went amazingly well, and is still moderately under way, what a great idea!) until school starts - i'm making that my new goal. i want to have music taste! so, let the record store crawl commence. my first good find? wheat. they are reallly good. (thanks bryan).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Serena: I'm going to come visit you & bring a movie, which we will never get around to watching. Just like old times. & also, John may have his faults, but his comment on your photo blog about that "schmuck" ... well, I'm going to have to give him props. I agree. You're way too hot for that jackass.

your favrite gigolo
or as you like to pronounce it jiggle-o...

August 19, 2004 at 10:40 AM  

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