
Saturday, August 14, 2004

sammy stylin'

my first official day of no longer being a working woman. and it felt amaaazzing. now, okay, to be honest, i woke up @ seven anyways. but, i did lie in bed daydreaming until ten thirty. if anyone wants to give me lessons in being a bum (a la sammy style) leave me a comment ;).

anyways, i got in a round of golf in the afternoon with dan, which was fun. he beat the pants off of me (almost literally, but that's a whoollle 'nother story). oh! by the way, did you know that if a guy doesn't make it past the ladies' tees on his tee shot he has to drop his shorts? lol. you learn something new every day! i trudged home and went and degrassified myself, did a spot of chauffeur duty for my brother and then headed off to yet another one of the ubiquitous grad parties that have seemed to dominate my summer.

i know i was raving about them the other day, but this one wasn't a mixer so much as it was --let's stick all of the people serena used to be friends with in a room and make her feel really uncomfortable and talk until she makes a fool out of herself. really, it was quite entertaining. anyway, i bailed on the party after staying as long as social conventions dictated, and then headed out for an evening of bookstoring with bryan. it was, quite possibly the best date i've had in a long time. me, my books and as a bonus, a guy! hmm, maybe the last two items should be rearranged... as a sidebar: barnes and nobles should reallllly start paying me. while i was there tonight, i helped EIGHT patrons find books they were looking for, and made TEN book reccomendations. payage is definitely called for!

by the way, i've decided that there are so many movies i need to catch up on, that i'm designating next week to be movie catch up week. i'm going to break them down into categories: chick flick, action, drama, indie film, and comedy; pick three from every category; and then go through all the categories in order. note: i think i'll do every other category on the treadmill so that i don't turn into a couch potato. strange? yes, probably. if you want to come over and join in, do. (i will probably need help turning on the dvd player...so maybe you should come over).


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