ow ow ow ow OWWWIE!
allow me to start off by saying that i am currently in the worst pain i can ever remember experiencing. i went to the dentist's to fix something they tried to fix like three weeks ago, and from my pain level, it feels like it's only gotten worse. six (or was it seven?) shots of novacaine helped while i was being drilled at, but now, hours later, the pain is ridiculously unbearable.
however, while i was under the combined influence of novacaine and six tylenol, i managed to have a moderate amount of fun. (ps: if i called you sometime before ten tonight....i apologize, now, well in advance. i have no real recollection of what i might have said). sarah and kris and i decided to go to blockbuster where i somehow managed to flirt my way into not paying for our rental. this was an amazing feat as i probably looked ridiculously bedraggled, and me, dressed up doesn't normally inspire anyone to fall at my feet...so me bedraggled probably induces people to run the other way. regardless, that coup de grace made the evening that much more fun. plus the movie we rented was adorable (13 going on 30). go rent it, it's really cute. i wish i had a guy like that!
on other notes, i got pulled over for the first time ever today (coming home from work). it was actually quite amusing. here's the deal. i listen to classical music while driving and about a month ago this person i know taught me how to conduct and keep time, 2,4; 4,4; etc etc etc. so, i've developed this maniacal tendency of beating road rage by conducting symphonies during the commute to and from work. well, anyway, on the way home today, this young trooper is giving me a look of utter and complete disbelief as i am stopped at a red light. so, my response? i start conducting with even more gusto, pinching my imaginary baton for all it's worth. his response? he turns on his flashers and flags me down. then, he accuses me of flicking him off, repeatedly. i tried to explain to him nicely that i was merely conducting a symphony. he wasn't too impressed with my response, although he did acknowledge that it was creative. i finally managed to convince him, but not before i had demonstrated my conducting virtuoso. i wonder if he's still scratching his head? it was priceless. wish you'd have been there.
finally, as a sidebar: to anu and sully. i'm sorry i wouldn't buy for you guys tonight. but honestly, i didn't really feel up to going back up after i got home because i was in so much pain, and plus i would have had to put on makeup, contacts, heels, etc to make myself a believable 21. and, also, my parents wouldn't let me out of the house. i really do love you, i just couldn't come through tonight. (sorry).
Y, serena
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