
Tuesday, August 10, 2004

can i be your study buddy?

yesterday night i somehow managed to con my husband (anu) into buying me dinner ;) and we finally caught up after like a month of making plans that never materialized. five months ago, if you had asked me who i would miss the most when i went off to college, i would have said no one. it's interesting to see how things change. anyways, anu tried to make me sympathetic to his "girl" plight, but i stand firm in my belief that anyone who has multiple girls chasing after him does not qualify for sympathy! tough luck hon!

on other notes, i broke yet another computer @ work today. okay, actually, i didn't do a damn thing! it just happened! the computer decided it suddenly wanted to have a cow (i think it was a jersey cow) and it stopped working. sigh. as a result i can't get anything work related accomplished and everyone in the office is out @ a client site, so there's no one around to help me. oh well, i managed to be productive anyway (no, not this doesn't count!) i printed out my NU orientation week schedule and highlighted all the events i want to go to and then made a little calendar thingy for myself so that i can make it to them all. (it sounds dorky, i know but there's seriously so much to do that week, how will it all get done otherwise?!?!) it was moderately exciting. i really missed school these past few months.

in fact, i have a funny story about that before i get back to researching grad school stuff:
it's april-ish and i'm @ my favorite springfield hangout, (barnes and nobles) sans bob, for once...or maybe i was waiting for him? regardles, there are all these tables of kids cramming for the AP exams. for whatever reason, i'm suddenly hit with a wave of longing for some good 'ol ap lit esque, nerd camp camraderie and so i call up alex (alex is a huge jock and is very disparaging of my nerd tendencies, although he is insanely smart himself) in hopes that he will be able to get me to snap out of it before i do something i regret. alex doesn't answer, sadly, and so i do something dumb. i scooch my chair over to the people next to me, and under the guise of innocent flirting, manage to weasel my way into their AP Chem study group. (i had taken the exam the year before). i went back three times that week to "study" with them. i'm sure they thought i was trying to pick them up, but honestly? i was just attempting to satisfy my craving for legitimate schoolwork.

nerdy? colossally so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (in fact, i'm suprised you haven't shut this entry down in disgust!!) but, there's a bit of self effacing truth buried in that comical story... i feel ridiculously useless and nonproductive and lazy when i'm not studying. i like to call it AP syndrome.


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