
Friday, August 06, 2004

i love you -his name

sully and i went on our traditional weekly (monthly? somewhere in between the two..) walk last night: those things have been one of the highlights of my summer. we ran into sammy and ryan too (nota bene: it scares me that two college students have nothing cooler to do than hang around downtown naperville on the summer evenings...i was soooo anticpating a sudden rise in my coolness factor after becoming a college student...but apparently not!!) anyways, back to the riverwalk walk with sully -- i am still amazed by the fact that the riverwalk goes all the way down to brown's chicken! what they heck is that?! why was i not informed of this before? that section is really pretty and romantic, however, there's this gorgeous fountain that's all lit up down there (cheap date idea guys? ;) ). anyway if you ever do chance to trapise down the newly created section of the riverwalk, make sure you read the inscriptions on the bricks down there -- they are very entertaining.

if i was a guy, i would buy one and have it inscribed with "i love you. -his name". and then everytime he wanted to do something really romantic for a woman, he could tell her he wanted to go on a walk, and make her stop and read the bricks along the way, until ta-da! she finds the one with his message. if i wanted to be optimistic, i'd say he could inscribe her name along with his and the message, but i'm a cynic and i think it'd be cooler if he didn't and he manged to recycle it and get brownie point from a long succession of women. lol. wow - that's horrible!

anyway, i can't believe that school doesn't start for another TWO months. that's forever and seven days away. i want to actually talk to all the cool people who have been messaging me off of facebook!! oops, business meeting. ttyl.


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