
Monday, August 23, 2004

thanks for the broken toe, kid

here's yet another installment of the serena chronicles. please inform me how many other people you know who can go to a family party at the temple and get a broken toe as a souvenier from the evening? oh, but wait because here comes the best part: the broken toe isn't even due to my own innate clumsiness ... nope. a five year old stomped on my toe, and since i'm apparently made of glass.... it decided to break. yes, a five year old broke my toe. the second best part is that they can't exactly do anything for a broken toe (what are they going to do?!?! give me a cast?!?) so i just have to suck it up. and i can't wear heels. this means it took me almost 25 minutes before i could leave the house today, because i had to find open toed shoes that were flat. it was quite a chore given my penchant for high heels. regardless, the broken toe episode is the counterpart to an amazing weekend.

on other notes -- i was ranting earlier, but i decided to save y'all the drama and stick to a condensed version. basically, i love knowing that if i post an away message saying i'm in pain due to an obnoxious dentist --- people will show up on my doorstep with movies and teddy bears. i also love knowing that regardless of whether i'm single or dating, i will get roses on my birthday from friends of both sexes. i also love knowing that when i'm upset, people notice and care enough about me to do something about it. the fact that i never even have to break down and send out an SOS to my friends when i need them means SO SO SO SO much to me. it validates my existence (to a degree) and makes me feel like i'm doing something right in the world. thanks guys: for allowing me to give so much of myself to you and for giving so much of yourselves in return. i know i'm a pretty damn good friend to those of you i'm close to -- but you guys are even more exponentially amazing.

my dorm room is officially smaller than my closet. now, for those of you who have had the privilege of seeing my closet, this isn't that ridiculous as my closest is moderately monstrously monolithic--but still! my closet is full of clothes and shoes and purses and pictures.... how am i going to fit two people, two desks, two bunk beds annnd all my stuff into my dorm room?!?! i need harry potter magic. mr. weasley...where are you?!?! ps: i'm bringing my camera, seeing me stuff all my crap into my dorm room should make for entertaining pictures. at least i get to move in a day early thanks to debate camp! i wonder if i'll start school with stories that run...this one time, at debate camp ... ;) one can only wish!

tonight's the first night that i really realized how empty naperville is with all the u of i kids gone. if they were here i would be probably down in the basement right now playing pool or poker or at the very least watching a movie, snuggled up on my couch with dan or dave or someone! today was a missing people sort of day. i really missed tara and charito in the afternoon - i felt like a chick flick a barnes and nobles expedition. then later, i found myself missing my husband, anubhav, because i really needed a good philosophical debate and a probing question session, during which my life (love and otherwise) would have been thoroughly dissected. randomly, i also sort of found myself missing my friend nathan, who has apparently, decided to fall out of my life again (this time, probably for good). i had the funniest story to tell him today and i couldn't really think of anyone else who would have appreciated it as much. i tried telling it bryan at dinner, but he didn't really get it. oh well. it's comforting to know that my friends and i will keep in touch to some degree (with the exception of nathan, i guess).

my facebook friendships are getting better and i've realized that even though i'm moving further away from my naperville friends -- some of my friends are just as far away now as they always have been. a phone call, an im, an email. i'm glad i've become so adept at maintaining long distance relationships over the past few years. my friends travel with me.

that being said, after talking to friends who are at college now -- i have been moderately disturbed by the number of kids who are homesick, and as such, are spending their first few nights of college life IMing their high school friends. i know the temptation is there but .... it just seems a little... i don't know, juvenille? i think that i'm going to try to stay off AIM for the first few weeks (at least the first week) of school. AIM has a habit of luring me into meaningless, but time consuming conversations with acquaintances. my really good friends don't settle for AIM only communication anyways, they call me on my cell. i think that's a decent resolution -- to try not to cling to old friends as i'm trying to make new ones.

love, serena!


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